Spinal Fracture Recovery Diary
The human body is skillfully designed to heal itself from some of the most severe traumas. This “Spinal Crack” series outlines my journey in recovering from a spinal fracture, which was sustained from a diving accident, while on vacation in Maui. Difficult situations are great opportunities for physical, emotional and spiritual growth, which becomes evident as I try to avoid a spinal fusion surgery by giving my body necessary tools to heal on its own.
Video 1_ Day 3
Three days following the accident, I finally decide to have my back evaluated. Thus, I learn that I have a compression fracture in my L1 vertebrae and a portion of that bone is now protruding into my spinal column. This video describes more of how the accident happened, and some of the difficult events leading up to being admitted to the hospital.
Video 2_Day 4
EARLY morning on the 4th day following the accident. My emotions finally catch-up to me after staying strong all day for others, particularly my mom. In the 15 hours prior to this video, I learned that my spine is fractured, I could have easily been paralyzed and my two options are to wear an elaborate back brace for a few months, and hope the fracture heals on its own. Or, I can have a fusion surgery which involves a team of surgeons removing a section of my spinal column in order to use a metal cage to fuse the broken vertebrae, to the vertebrae just above and below it, then screw the fixture back into place. Just prior to recording, I was only able to get three hours of sleep due to the discomfort associated with trying to sleep on an unsupportive hospital bed, with a back injury. I could have chosen to get doped-up on the drugs they offered, in order to make myself delirious enough to sleep. But that approach does not really heal, because you feel that much worse once you regain your own conscious mind. It becomes nearly impossible to listen to what your body wants when you are under the influence of such potent drugs. I prefer to manage my pain just enough to remain strong in body, mind and spirit. I prefer to heal.
Video 3_Day 5
After opting for back brace and follow-ups, instead of surgery, I have been discharged from the hospital. My stylish new back brace is debuted. This video was taken as I am about to embark on the 3.5 hour car ride back to my mom’s house. About 5 freeway exits after this video was filmed, I had my mom pull over so I could lie in the back seat, because sitting upright proved to be far too uncomfortable.
Video 4_Day 5
After a long car ride, I was happy to be home, with my animals. But, the Vicodin was making me dizzy and nauseous, to where I could not stand, which is why I shot this video from the kitchen floor. Trying to stomach a little food and water to where I could take another (non-Rx) pain med. Afraid to stand and/or eat because the thought of falling-down or having to vomit when you have a broken spine is frightening.
Video 5_Day 5
This video is still taken from my mom’s kitchen floor where I am finally able to keep some food down. Sharing my realization of how significantly my body is likely reacting to all the pain management meds that it is not accustomed to. This is the moment I vow to not take more of the prescription pain management meds, due to the dramatic side-effects I’m prone to.
Video 6_Day 5
After having a realization, while still on the kitchen floor, I wanted to do a video that pays credit to those going through chemo therapy, and constantly have to deal with the discomfort I was experiencing. I briefly describe the miraculous story of my Nana, and her ability to undergo chemo and fight-off a form of lung cancer that was considered to be hopeless. The reverence found in this shift in perspective helps me to remain strong and get through one of my more difficult moments.
Video 7_Day 6
24 hours after spending a very uncomfortable evening on my mom’s kitchen floor. I had a much better day physically, but I still felt some lingering psychological and emotional effects of the prescriptions I had taken in days prior. My body continues to crave a lot more sleep than usual, and I feel more healed each time I wake-up. I address how my mom finally had her emotional break-down regarding the whole situation.
Video 8_Day 7
I was having a good moment to where I finally felt well-enough to turn on music and dance around the living room, as best I could in a back brace. The dancing led to me setting a goal, that part of my sincere healing will be gauged by the fact that I will be able to twerk better than ever! ;) I am also expressedly excited to be regaining my mental and emotional strength (recently compromised by Rx meds) which is helping me heal faster.
Video 9_Day 9
Describing the balance I am trying to strike between resting and moving around, in order to build and/or maintain some strength and not allow my muscles to atrophy. I pretty much sit-up or walk around until my back begins to feel sore, and then I lay down again. Express gratitude for being able to safely shower myself. This video is also the beginning of sharing my healing strategies with you. First piece of healing information is in regards to inflammation; your body’s natural reaction to injury.
Video 10_Day 12
First day out in a week. I was not allowed to drive yet, so I waited until my mom could take me out on the town. Met my new, local, primary care doctor. Also, went to a local concert with my mom, wearing the back brace, and interacted with people my age whom I had never met before. It was awkward at times and outside of my normal comfort zone, but everyone was really nice and I’m glad I did it. I also describe in this video how difficult it is to get dressed, which leads to some interesting outfits.
Video 11_Day 22
I decided to pool most of the information on my healing process into one longer and more comprehensive video, opposed to making various shorter videos. This video addresses key elements in my journey through spinal fracture recovery. There is a condensed outline of the resources I discuss, in the YouTube video description .
Video 12_Day 22
Watch me stuff my face with a huge cupcake!! This is all in demonstration of an epiphany I had while in the MRI machine. From now on, instead of getting my endorphin release from more extreme and dangerous activities (like jumping off the cliff that lead to my fracture) I’d rather get my endorphin release from eating chocolate cake. Healing is very important, but when it comes to injuries, nothing trumps prevention.
Spinal Fracture Recovery Diary (13)
Officially six weeks since I fractured my spine. It is miraculous how much better I feel and that it is looking like I won’t need surgery!! I have been wearing the back brace, maintaining good posture and listening to my body’s limitations along the way. I am able to do more diverse movements each day, with less and less pain. Considering how well the healing has gone, I expect to make a full (if not better than before) recovery.
Spinal Fracture Recovery Diary (14)
Officially three months after the injury happened. I am on my way to the follow-up CT scan that the neurosurgeons will analyze to decide if I will (for sure) not need surgery AND if I no longer have to wear the back brace. I am hoping that the images taken from this scan exceed any expectations that the doctors have regarding my healing process. The results will be given to me in two weeks.
Spinal Fracture Recovery Diary (15)
This is the video where I reveal the lab results conducted to determine if my bone density is normal AND let you all know how my follow-up CT scan looks. My new, local, doctor is a bit more conservative, and goes over my updated prognosis that I summarize and share with you all.
Spinal Fracture Recovery Diary (16)
Come along as I get follow-up X-rays and attend a doctors appointment. You even get to see my doctor review the images with me. As of this visit, I can start to wean off of my brace! AND, check out this music video for “Summertime Beach House” where I did a lot of dancing, while on set. YaY for reaching my goal of being able to twerk again!! See Spinal Crack video 8 for more details.
Spinal Fracture Recovery Diary (17)
Most recent follow-up with the neurosurgeon where he
estimates that I will be fully recovered at approximately the one year mark! I
also share some helpful healing tips.
Spinal Fracture Recovery Diary (18)
1.5 years after the fracture and I am successfully playing in a local coed soccer league. GOOAAALLLL!!
DISCLAIMER: I am not a credentialed medical or research professional. Unless otherwise cited, information reflected through Maven Light is the result of personal experience, observations and research. Given your unique free-will and physiology, any adopted suggestions and information are done so at your own risk.