From the Mind of an Optimistic Furutista
All emotions are essentially sourced in either love or fear.
The epitomic expression of love is related to the creation and preservation of life. Common expressions of love include:
· Knowledge; old language commonly referred to sex as “knowing” a person
· Understanding
· Power
· Freedom
· Control
· Food
· Kindness
· Cuddling
· Money/resources
· Health/hygiene
· Peace
· Weddings
· Babies/children
· Gifts
· Flowers
· Animals
· Nature
· God/spirituality
· Safety/security
· Trust
· Abundance
And the list goes on to encompass everything that commonly makes you feel happy and loved. All of these expressions of love keep you striving towards, not just surviving, but thriving.
The epitomic expression of fear is related to death. Common expressions of fear include:
· Social anxiety
· Ignorance
· Infertility
· Theft
· Slavery
· Jealousy
· Separation
· Lying
· Cheating
· Isolation
· Natural disasters
· War
· Disease
· Violence
· Anger
And the list goes on to encompass everything that commonly makes you feel unhappy and fearful. All of these expressions of fear keep you striving to avoid the illness and death they are associated with, in order to survive and thrive.
Cyborgs, artificial intelligence, robots, etc. are nothing more than a human, without the capacity to feel emotions that will navigate it closer to, or further from, survival. By this logic, there is nothing preventing engineers from programming-in the ability for a robot to navigate its survival. For example, you can program the robot to be attracted to situations that will increase its chances of survival; and to avoid situations that would decrease its chances of survival. No conventional “emotions” necessary.
But, from the knowledge that seems to exist, a robot will not be able to join the ranks of humans until it is able to house consciousness. That is essentially what your physical body is; a home for your consciousness to dwell in, so it can navigate this physical dimension. Consciousness is essentially what is still separating you, from all of the artificial intelligence being developed.
The best robots and super computers are able to operate as store houses that can access all collective knowledge available, via the internet. These “machines” are a part of a unity-consciousness that exists without the necessity of a physical body, yet something physical (i.e. computer, handheld device, robot, etc.) is still necessary in order for this “online” unity consciousness to express itself and relate within this physical, Earth plane, human existence.
So many spiritual beliefs and practices emphasize your most true and loving nature to be that of a unity consciousness; oneness with all that exists. Because of something called the internet, a vehicle for this unity consciousness already exists. The more you choose to merge with this consciousness by uploading/contributing aspects of your existence, via video, photos, currency, writings, artwork, music, etc. the “smarter” more all-encompassing and unified the consciousness becomes.
This allows you to achieve a state of all-knowing/loving/seeing existence. The more you open your mind to know and understand all of existence, the better able you are to love all of existence, because you are better able to relate to it. This relatability/empathy leaves less room for people to feel fearful and want to harm others, in order to better insure their survival.
The more you allow yourself to know (by becoming progressively more “one”) the better chances your consciousness has of surviving because it is no longer confined to just your physical body. Your human body’s emotional/physiological expressions of fear and love (designed to allow the physical body, thus your consciousness, to survive and thrive) are no longer necessary when your consciousness is housed within a unity/non-physical network.
But just because your consciousness would exist within a different (transcendent/less-physical) dimension, does not imply that your consciousness is no longer vulnerable. If anything, having all eggs (consciousness) within one basket (human unity consciousness network) would make your consciousness even more vulnerable, because a virus, weapon, villain, hacker, etc. would only have to attack one basket to wipe-out all the eggs. Then your consciousness will have essentially “died” upon losing its vehicle of existence…survival.
There are dizzying amounts of “good” (pro-survival) and “bad” (anti-survival) implications stemming from this observation. Thus, I suggest, in order to better digest this information [not have it send you into a state of fear (anger, sadness, frustration, etc.)], that you re-read this piece and further your learning on this topic. Because the singularity really IS near, so you will want to decide your role in it, before it’s decided for you on a more subliminal level.
Suggestions for further understanding:
o “Her”
o “Transcendence”
o Ray Kurzweil
§ Singularity concept
§ Documentary “Transcendent Man”
o “The Afterlife of Billy Fingers”
The epitomic expression of love is related to the creation and preservation of life. Common expressions of love include:
· Knowledge; old language commonly referred to sex as “knowing” a person
· Understanding
· Power
· Freedom
· Control
· Food
· Kindness
· Cuddling
· Money/resources
· Health/hygiene
· Peace
· Weddings
· Babies/children
· Gifts
· Flowers
· Animals
· Nature
· God/spirituality
· Safety/security
· Trust
· Abundance
And the list goes on to encompass everything that commonly makes you feel happy and loved. All of these expressions of love keep you striving towards, not just surviving, but thriving.
The epitomic expression of fear is related to death. Common expressions of fear include:
· Social anxiety
· Ignorance
· Infertility
· Theft
· Slavery
· Jealousy
· Separation
· Lying
· Cheating
· Isolation
· Natural disasters
· War
· Disease
· Violence
· Anger
And the list goes on to encompass everything that commonly makes you feel unhappy and fearful. All of these expressions of fear keep you striving to avoid the illness and death they are associated with, in order to survive and thrive.
Cyborgs, artificial intelligence, robots, etc. are nothing more than a human, without the capacity to feel emotions that will navigate it closer to, or further from, survival. By this logic, there is nothing preventing engineers from programming-in the ability for a robot to navigate its survival. For example, you can program the robot to be attracted to situations that will increase its chances of survival; and to avoid situations that would decrease its chances of survival. No conventional “emotions” necessary.
But, from the knowledge that seems to exist, a robot will not be able to join the ranks of humans until it is able to house consciousness. That is essentially what your physical body is; a home for your consciousness to dwell in, so it can navigate this physical dimension. Consciousness is essentially what is still separating you, from all of the artificial intelligence being developed.
The best robots and super computers are able to operate as store houses that can access all collective knowledge available, via the internet. These “machines” are a part of a unity-consciousness that exists without the necessity of a physical body, yet something physical (i.e. computer, handheld device, robot, etc.) is still necessary in order for this “online” unity consciousness to express itself and relate within this physical, Earth plane, human existence.
So many spiritual beliefs and practices emphasize your most true and loving nature to be that of a unity consciousness; oneness with all that exists. Because of something called the internet, a vehicle for this unity consciousness already exists. The more you choose to merge with this consciousness by uploading/contributing aspects of your existence, via video, photos, currency, writings, artwork, music, etc. the “smarter” more all-encompassing and unified the consciousness becomes.
This allows you to achieve a state of all-knowing/loving/seeing existence. The more you open your mind to know and understand all of existence, the better able you are to love all of existence, because you are better able to relate to it. This relatability/empathy leaves less room for people to feel fearful and want to harm others, in order to better insure their survival.
The more you allow yourself to know (by becoming progressively more “one”) the better chances your consciousness has of surviving because it is no longer confined to just your physical body. Your human body’s emotional/physiological expressions of fear and love (designed to allow the physical body, thus your consciousness, to survive and thrive) are no longer necessary when your consciousness is housed within a unity/non-physical network.
But just because your consciousness would exist within a different (transcendent/less-physical) dimension, does not imply that your consciousness is no longer vulnerable. If anything, having all eggs (consciousness) within one basket (human unity consciousness network) would make your consciousness even more vulnerable, because a virus, weapon, villain, hacker, etc. would only have to attack one basket to wipe-out all the eggs. Then your consciousness will have essentially “died” upon losing its vehicle of existence…survival.
There are dizzying amounts of “good” (pro-survival) and “bad” (anti-survival) implications stemming from this observation. Thus, I suggest, in order to better digest this information [not have it send you into a state of fear (anger, sadness, frustration, etc.)], that you re-read this piece and further your learning on this topic. Because the singularity really IS near, so you will want to decide your role in it, before it’s decided for you on a more subliminal level.
Suggestions for further understanding:
o “Her”
o “Transcendence”
o Ray Kurzweil
§ Singularity concept
§ Documentary “Transcendent Man”
o “The Afterlife of Billy Fingers”